one thing i love, for sure, is being a stay-at-home mom. i am seriously enjoying it and really hope i can continue doing it. maybe i'll be like the 19 kids and counting lady so i always have a reason. ha! just kidding.
one thing that is terrible for me, for sure, is being a stay-at-home mom. i am very busy with md and have something going on 90% of my day. he's right at the age where he is very alert and wants to be entertained, played with and kept busy. he's just not independent yet. my only time to really get anything done is during nap time. it's just that during nap time...i don't wanna do anything. i would rather nap myself, or just sit and veg. i end up telling myself that "i'll do it later."
at my mom's group a few weeks ago, we talked about how "later" is always there. when we were working we had to get things done when we got home from work. we wouldn't have time to do it later. now, i feel like i can always put something off. procrastination at it's worst.
i never procrastinate with md. i mean if something's gotta give, it's gonna be the laundry not my kid's pureed carrots. duh. his clothes are cleaned and folded in a timely manner. they're usually put away too. not this week. his basket of clean, sweet smelling, tiny baby boy clothes has been sitting by my chair since monday.'s thursday. night. that's not even as bad as the pair of pj's and blanket that have been lying on the floor on the other side of my chair since monday too. what's going on?
i fear i'm gonna have to come up with a cleaning/laundry schedule and stick to it. otherwise, you'll have to come for us one day. we'll all be buried under dirty clothes, dust and a messy kitchen. not to mention the floor that hasn't been properly vacuumed because i took it apart to replace the belt and have yet to put it back together. that was last monday. wow.
come on, kylah, it's time to get it together. well, i gotta get md in bed so...maybe later...
Your time is almost up.
2 months ago
That is the thing I hate most about being a stay at home mom. It really is easy to put things off. Why not? One thing I have done in the past is to host plenty of events at my house. If possible once a week. I have to say, when you do this, those chores get done, no problem:)
do you remember our messy cluttered house when you were a kid? I bet you talk about the laundry that stayed in the dryer all the time with disgust.
Put off the perfect house and make memories...
Uh, "first" baby, not "firt" =)
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