so...i've been having major internet issues. times when my computer will connect and keep a strong signal, are spotty at best. i've been having these issues for months, but it's just gotten ridiculous in the past 3 weeks or so. i know it's my computer because michael's work computer is perfect. stinky computer.
well, to make matters worse, michael was carrying my laptop upstairs the other night to print out the labels for our christmas cards. before he even got upstairs, i heard him turn around and come back down. he had a very sheepish look on his face and admitted that he broke my computer screen. it's cracked and you can't see a thing on it.
if you could see me typing this post, you'd be rolling on the floor before you know it. i have my computer hooked up to our hdmi cable in the closet in our family room. i'm sitting on the floor there, back against the wall, computer on my lap, trying hard to focus on the tv screen across the room. yes, i'm typing on my laptop that is connected to my tv screen. don't believe me? it's true. sad, but true.
update: this post was written about 2 weeks ago. right when i was about to publish the post, something else went wrong and i couldn't even see what i was doing on the tv. now...i have my laptop connected to our gigantic, 60 inch upstairs. it's quite funny looking.
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
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