we started the early morning with the two of us reading the Word of God and praying. it was the first step in a long journey ahead of us.
after some time of unhappiness and one issue after the next, we finally decided the problem was...us. in a long discussion the other night, we were brutally honest with each other, about ourselves. we didn't say anything about each other. we didn't need to. we had enough to say of ourselves without having to have any one else's add-ins. we've felt like we're sinking. one thing after the next bogging us down. weighing on us. messing with our lives. i didn't even realize until 2 weeks ago that michael wasn't the only one feeling this way in our family. so was i. we've been negative, depressed, unmotivated, messy, disorganized, rude, fake. we've been fixing up the outside of our house, while the inside remains messy. our actual house...a representation of our lives. we know that our joy has been stolen from us. or that we've given it away. we haven't been searching wholeheartedly, as we should. we've been preoccupied and misguided. we've lost our focus and lost the love of Jesus in our hearts.
we decided that our first step would be prayer and a commitment to make Jesus the Lord of our lives. to truly live for Him and seek Him in all that we do. we decided we'd wake up early, sacrifice my beloved sleep, for the sake of the One who died for me. we would also verbally apologize to some friends about our negative attitudes and trying personalities. and try hard, from now on, to keep our focus straight ahead.
monday morning, sitting with the sunshine streaming into our back patio, my husband opened his Bible and read aloud a very applicable scripture. isaiah 54. he then held my hand and led us in the most beautiful and simple prayer where we confessed our sins and asked Jesus to once again be Lord. my love, leading me straight to THE love. it humbled me. it filled me with joy. it gave me incredible insight into what our future holds. i am honored to call him my husband.
we know that this doesn't wipe out any bad situation in our lives. we know there will be more to come in the future. but we also know that where our hearts are, there our treasure may be also. we are looking forward to a committed life of following Jesus and having His love in our hearts. we are looking forward to our son being witness to these things in us.
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
the vulnerability here is inspiring. this kind of humility with self, spouse and Jesus is just what will make you - has made you - strong for Him, in Him, a witness to your son(s & daughters) and to the world. i'm so proud you are my family. so, so proud. i love you so extremely.
Thanks for being so transparent. Life has a way of sucking the life out of us around here too.
His river is everflowing and I am so thankful He can fill this cup again and again.
I only have tears right now...I do have words in my heart.
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