the shocked eyes followed by, "when are you due?!"
it's okay, i know my tummy is bigger than a lot of people when they're 14 weeks pregnant. i don't know that i really care.
let's face it, i had a belly before sessie started taking up room, but's different. and i like it. no, i'm no showing it off and super proud...yet. but, i like it. i don't care how many times my librarian scoffs and talks about how good it feels to just eat what you want. ha!
so yes...sessie seems to be growing just fine in there. i am into the maternity clothes my sister and friend passed on to me as soon as they found out i was expecting. i started the pants pretty early because being as sick as i was, i could not imagine putting tight pants around my belly. blah! i did finally give in and buy a few more pairs of pants. having one pair makes it hard to support an everyday wear lifestyle. :)
my morning sickness has seemed to revive itself a bit the past two weeks. mornings and evenings have been a little rough. don't worry, it does not even come close to what i was feeling a month ago. praise Jesus!!
our next appointment is feb 24th. i'm hoping we'll be able to talk about the sonogram that will, hopefully, reveal the gender of our little sessie. i've been thinking girl. michael has been thinking girl. seph, marme, nanny, and a ton of other people think girl. dad, landon and mandy have said boy from day one. either way...we win! :)
at close to 15 weeks prego, we're doing great!
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
No matter how predo big you feel, it is always worse in your mind. At Ellie's b-day party you didn't even look pregnant. Glad to hear that the sickness isn't as bad. Love ya,
awww. I bet you are getting more excited by the day! Congrats again!
I love to read your blogs!!gets me ready for someday!! lol
hey Jo check out
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