because all my son does is whine. whine. whine6............t(and type on my laptop). whine.
i don't know if he's teething or has a tummy ache or...what, but geez!!!
i can't do a single thing because he wants to be held (but still continues to whine). God forbid i try and walk into the kitchen or out of his sight for a split second.
to make matters worse, i am babysitting 3 month old kylah today. she's been able to stay asleep for the most part, but his whining has to be getting on her nerves too. cause let's face it, she needs to eat and have her diaper changed too.
and...spit up. spit up. spit. up. it's everywhere. and yesterday, lots of poop.
maybe it is a tummy ache...i've done everything i know to do so i guess it's just hang in there 'till this clears up and gives me back my sweet baby boy (who has somehow escaped his body and gone somewhere without me).
update: after easter weekend in san angelo and a nice fever while we were there, i took md to the doctor upon our return home. no ear infection. doesn't seem to be teething. dr. bacuta thinks it was a minor viral infection of some kind. he seems to be getting better each day. i guess all that baby orajel wasn't really needed after all. oh well!
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
Hey Kylah!
Might be an ear infection... I'm just saying... Owen and Caleb BOTH had those symptoms - without any ear rubbing. Or... maybe he just doesn't feel good. Poor baby! and poor mommy! :o) I hope all straightens out soon!
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