Monday, May 25, 2009

maui day 5: by night

the prize in our room thursday night was a new camera!! it was so fun and michael played with it the entire time i was getting ready for our picnic under the stars. the camera is a nikon, digital camera with a touch screen. we were way impressed! the picture below, although not great quality, was taken when michael figured out how to use the timer...funny guy!

nice, comfy dress for a pregnant kylah.

handsome man and a handsome view. sigh...

10 steps to enjoying a picnic under the stars with your handsome hubby...
our picnic area.
step 1-find somewhere to sit.
step 2 - sit.
step 3: accept, pretty immediately, a picnic basket filled with silverware, 2 wine glasses, 2 binto boxes of food.
step 4: drink, either the bottle of wine you are offered, or anything else you want. i chose a virgin lava flow and water.
step 5: eat. lobster, steak, mozzarella and tomato salad and asian noodles.
step 6: enjoy music. 4 stringed-instrument-playing women. beautiful!

step 7: enjoy friends and food.

step 8: make your way to the after dinner party and be amused at all of the people dancing to the old music. fun!!
step 9 and 10: say goodnight earlier than everyone else because you're pregnant ;) and head to bed without feeling guilty!