for the past few months, the winds of change have been blowing through the kotze home.
michael was offered a new position with a company in san angelo. he accepted.
we're moving home. or are we moving from home? maybe it's both.
san angelo, to me, is home. it's where i met and married the love of my life. it's mama's cooking, daddy's preaching, niece's giggles and nephew's cuddles. it's best friends and their husbands and children. it's target with my sister and rosa's once a week. it's mexican food to die for and antique shopping downtown. it's slow driving and empty roadways by 10pm. it's comfortable. it's knowing. it's home.
san antonio, to me, is home. it's my husband. it's my baby boy. it's independence and growing and loving. it's really becoming a woman all my own, being an amazing wife, a fantastic mother and learning as i go. it's sitting in rockers on the front porch and waving at neighbors as they pass. working hard to make everything about our house...our home. it's taking pride in the work my husband puts in on the yard, to make it the best in the neighborhood. it's my first mommy group and my friend rosemary who was the best teaching partner a girl could ever ask for. it's my home where family and friends love to come and stay. it's hostessing like my mama taught me to and helping those in need. it's cmc church, with a great pastor and awesome worship. it's good food, good shopping and good friends.
i'm happy to be going home and sad to be leaving home. michael hugs me and tells me we'll make a home there we love just as much, if not more. and i believe him. i know we will. it's not a town or a house that makes's just us. our love and family and being each other's top priority is us.
i'm happy for the opportunity and for change. plus-we're about to have more babysitters than we know what to do with! :)
so san angelo, get ready...the kotze's are coming home!
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
Good post! Made me feel bittersweet...
for a minute!
This makes me happy! Very happy!
Personally, I think that as the resident sitter for your niece and nephew I should have top priority as sitter for baby Michael. I think it's only fair. Haha So happy that you are coming back! :)
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