after church today, michael and i ran an errand and headed home with a screaming child. i fed md, changed his diaper, swaddled him and put him in his swing. he doesn't usually sleep right after eating, but i woke him from his nap a couple of hours early so we could go to church. plus-he was falling asleep during his lunch.
of course, as soon as his fanny hit the back of the swing, he started talking and smiling. since michael was bringing our lunch into the living room at that very moment, i left md happily cooing as he made himself dizzy staring at the lamp while swaying to and fro.
halfway through our lunch, michael david decided to play his first trick on his dad.
"knock. knock."
michael gets up from his chair and starts heading to the door. "someone knocking on the door?"
with a laugh i answer no and turn to look at md. michael stops mid stride, awestruck..."what was it?...poop?!"
md proves that i was telling the truth with the still echoing sounds from below and the look of contentment on his sweet face. i'm sure this is the first of many tricks to come from that little boy! :)
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
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