friendship is such a wonderful gift.
i am blessed with so many wonderful relationships with loving, caring, giving women.
i was just sitting here thinking about how a real frienship is really needed in life.
jenny came over the other night and we did absolutley nothing. that is usually what happens when i hang out with any of my friends.
jenny brought over dinner and we sat and ate it, talking. then we moved to the living room and sat talking for another couple of hours. we didn't even need the tv for background noise.
she is a teacher as well and it's nice to be able to vent to someone who knows exactly what you're going through. i'm sorry, it's like several other jobs, you can say you understand a million times, but if you've never been a teacher, you just don't understand completely.
anyway, we sat there talking about work, about husbands, about life. we talked about the possibility of moving that we are both facing this summer. it's scary, but nice to have someone who is going through it with you.
it was nice to talk to jenny and today looking back on that, it just reminds me to be thankful for my friends.
to my dear friends (you know who you are):
you are so dearly loved. i thank God as often as i can for the frienships i have been blessed with. i thank God for you. you were all so wonderful during my wedding. thank you for your unending support and love. please always know that i love you and i am praying for you and your families. thank you for allowing God to work in your lives and for influencing others around you for the cause of Christ. you are my family and i count myself blessed.
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
My Dearest Kylah,
It is Kim. I hope you don't mind that I am reading and responding to your blog. If it bothers you just let me know, and I won't do it again. Marriage is such an awesome, exciting, wonderful and all encompassing adventure. I am responding to this particular blog because David and I find ourselves in a simular boat with our jobs. David is wondering if he should jump off the ship he is on for another ship. With his boss having brain cancer and the presidnt and owner being close to retirement, he wonders if he should change jobs. He has an opportunity to fly with another company. However, we are an extremely close couple and family. David is the best father I have ever know and my girls will ever know. This job pays great but David would be gone for 6 days and nights straight and then be home for 4. This would be the rotation.
Here's where faith and love for a spouse really come in play. I want David to do what makes him happy. I want him to be the person God created him to be and be in the position He want him to be in. So I pray that God will direct my husband in the path that God wants him to take and to give me the faith and courage to support what ever decision God leads him to. We have been praying for a month and are still praying. I know that God is so big and so faithful that even if we miss His will for us , that God in all of His infinite wisdom and love can find us and return Him safely in His hands. I know that if it is God's will for David to take this job, he will give me the courage and strenght and faith to be more of a single mom. (somewhat) So I said all that to say that I know what it is like to have a big decision facing you. We will pray for ya'll as I know ya'll will pray for us. And yes FRIENDS are one of God's TRUEST blessing. I know, I have been so richly blessed in my life with girl friends. Love ya,
i like that comment from Kim. though that may me the longest comment i've ever read.. :) it seems like a lot of people are going through times of prayer for God's will in their lives. it's cool to know how many people are seeking all at the same time. i'm praying for you, sister. i love you very much. oh! and where is jenny praying about moving? back to marble falls? did i know that?
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