one night, while michael was gone, i cleaned the entire house, including our bedroom. the room really wasn't messy, i just had to wash the sheets and stuff like that. well, because the room was so clean and i sleep so well that way, i decided to fold the old comforter nice and neat and put it back in the closet. i unfolded the duvet comforter from the foot of the bed and laid it neatly on top of smelling good, crisp, clean sheets.
i slept like a dream.
i was not too hot, i was not too cold. i was absolutely perfect. it was the best night's sleep i've had since i got married.
michael and i spent the weekend out of town and came back on sunday evening. the first night of sleeping under the comforter was, uh...okay. michael tossed and turned some, but i got really hot. so i slept with my legs poking out. i asked him about it the next morning and he said he slept really well. the only time he woke up and was hot when i suddenly sat up in bed in the middle of the night (i needed to cough and couldn't, okay?!).
so, last night...we tried again.
it was a complete tragedy.
we went to sleep about 11:00. by 12:15, michael was tossing and turning. every few minutes i woke again to huffing and puffing and heavy sighing. he would toss the covers off, drag the covers back on. he would pull them his way and then push them mine. at one point, he was yanking on the sheet forever. finally i said, "WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING?!"
"i'm sorry babe, i'm just hot and i'm restless, and the dog keeps snoring, and i can't sleep." "okay," i said, "would you like me to go get the other comforter?" "no, it's okay."
at 2:25 after a little more tossing and turning and huffing and puffing and heavy sighing, he finally got up to go to the bathroom. at that point, i was mad. i threw the covers off and stormed out of the bedroom. i stomped across the wooden floor of the living room to the linen closet where i retrieved the old comforter. i slammed the closet door, stomped back across the floor and flipped on the bedroom light. i folded down the down comforter and stood on the bed to straigthen the older one back on the bed, all the while talking trash under my breath.
"seriously. this is freaking ridiculous...can you please just be quiet so someone else can get some sleep around here." "i only have to wake up in 4 hours for crying out loud." "seriously."..."this is freakin ridiculous."
i jumped down from the bed, slapped down the light switch and lay down again with a huff. a few seconds later, michael came out of the bathroom and quietly crawled beneath the other comforter.
"i'm sorry babe. i just couldn't sleep. i'm sorry you had to get the blanket."
"yeah, well, you were just so loud, i couldn't sleep either."
he tried to cuddle up next to me, but i just laid where i was. poor guy.
around 4:30 am, i woke again as he got his pillow and moved to the couch so he wouldn't wake me anymore. my heart hurt as i watched him very quietly shut the door.
poor guy, he couldn't help it that he was restless. he had to wake up at the same time i did. he was just getting frusturated that his time was running out and he wasn't getting enough sleep. i felt really bad this morning and i apologized for being so crouchy in the middle of the night. he apologized for being so loud. he left me with a hug and a kiss. thank goodness.
michael - 1
comforter - 1
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
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