prayer is one thing i have not been doing a great job of, lately. i forget.
i want someone to tell me how a person can forget to pray.
i hate it. i've been working on changing that, but how am i even at this point?
i don't feel like my relationship with God is awful, i just feel as thought i'm disconnected. i, of course, know that is my fault and not where i should be. i have let that happen and i am commited to getting it back on track.
i had a dream the other night that michael and i were sitting in a dark room in a corner. there was a lamp plugged in in front of us and the light was going out. there was only a slight glow of the filament in the lightbulb. in the room next to us, was a box full of lightbulbs. we prayed and prayed and prayed that God would show us the correct lightbulb to put in the lamp for replacement. it seemed like we prayed forever. the light eventually went out but michael and i sat in the dark and continued in our quest to know God's will for the right lightbulb in the lamp. after what seemed like an eternity, my mom knocked on the door to the room we were in. we continued praying while we prepared to open the door for her. just before we stood from our spot in the corner, the light glowed again for just a moment. we walked out of the room. still in the dream, michael and i talked about what the last glow of the lightbulb meant to us. it was God. we knew that sometimes, answers to prayer don't come automatically, but no matter how long it takes, God is still there, listening to our prayers and watching over us. we both knew that the last glow of the lightbulb was a reminder from our heavenly Father. he is with us and he heard our prayers.
that dream really made me think about my relationship with God a lot more. i also thought about the decision we are facing in our jobs and a possible move. have we prayed for an answer in what road to take? absolutely. have we prayed without ceasing? have we sat in the dark, seeking after the correct will for our lives, no matter how long it takes for an answer? not really.
michael and i have talked about the dream, and it served as a reminder to us both. during this time in our lives, we need the direction of God. we need our footsteps to be led by him. we have made a committment to ourselves and to God.
we will pray without ceasing. we will renew our realtionships with the One who created each of us. we will sit in the dark corner until we know, without a doubt, which road to take.
we are confident.
the Lord will show us what lightbulb to put in the lamp.
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
sometimes we will sit in a dark room when all we have to do is get up and walk to the next room and get a bulb. The solution is sometimes right under our nose but we're waiting for something big. Sometimes God sends one more flicker of light to remind us He's there and sometimes it's a warning that the time is short, the light is waning, hurry. sometimes it's so we can see our way out to get the bulb. sometimes it's a reminder He's there and to guide us back in the dark to Him. Aren't we thankful He is only a breath or a flicker of light away...
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