my wonderful family helped me pack up my house in a jiffy this weekend. sarah, ashley, marme and i started packing on saturday after lunch. we packed again on sunday after lunch and i did the last few things on monday morning. michael, daddy, landon and lennon (with some help from me) spent monday morning packing up the trucks.
then, daddy, landon, michael, marme and i drove to san antonio and unpacked everything into storage and into our apartment. michael and i took them to eat for their hard work and sent them on their way. it was 12:30 before they got home. poor guys. we were so stinkin' tired. now, i'm still tired because i've been staying up late trying to unpack stuff and put it away. my apartment looks like a storage building. there are boxes everywhere. EVERYWHERE.
monday night, i had to get my daddy to move a dresser out of the bathroom so i could go in. i nervously picked a box that i thought might contain the sheets to our bed and cut it open. i was right! you could not walk into our tiny kitchen. boxes, blankets and random things blocked the entrance. michael started using my bathroom because of all of the stuff in the floor of his. crazy.
i spent tuesday night putting everything up in the kitchen. i spent last night going through other boxes and finding lamps and such. i also put everything up in my bathroom. i must say, it's nice to have bathroom rugs again. on our balcony, i have two huge boxes. one is for other boxes i take apart when i empty them, the other box is for the paper things are wrapped in. they are both already full.
if you walked into my apartment right now, you wouldn't know that i've done a single thing. it's insane!!!! our plan is to unpack our clothes tonight and that should help make things look a lot better. those boxes are huge!
i'll post before and after picks later...when it's after. those of you that know me will understand how it's been hard for me to live in a place that looks like this.
whew. moving is hard work. reliving the move through a blog is hard work, too.
i think i'm ready for bed again...
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
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