i must be the luckiest girl in the whole world. growing up, i had two fantastic brothers and no sisters, although i always wanted one. my brothers have been my best friends forever. a few years ago, i was blessed with my first sister ever, sarahpie. on saturday night, december 8th, my baby brother began the addition of another sister for me.
it will be official sometime early 2008, but it already feels right to me. mandy is such a wonderful girl. she is absolutely beautiful, Godly, sweet, and caring. she makes matt feel like a million bucks and that makes him act like a million bucks! :) they treat each other wonderfully!
they are the sweetest couple and i feel so honored to have mandy join our family. i have always wished for the most wonderful women for my brothers. Jesus has blessed them and our family both.
mandy, i love you so much and i am so excited for you to be my sister. i can't wait to hear about wedding plans and to know you for the rest of our lives. i love you sister!
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
i stinkin love this post! how sweet. what a great group of sisters. :)
Those two girl are really blessed to get you for their sister. Do I need to tell them - in their face???
I think thats a pretty good lookin family if you ask me!
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