i want to post something that has nothing to do with the baby. yet, all i can think about is why he won't sleep for longer periods of time. i mean, the child will be 4 weeks old tomorrow, isn't he still supposed to be sleeping most of the day? he was so tired after he ate, he cried, i walked him to sleep, put him in bed, 40 mins later...awake and crying again. what am i doing wrong here?
next post...free of baby thoughts.
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1 month ago
Joshua was the first of my kids to have a mobile for his crib. I never thought we needed one before and I didn't particularly like the way the useful ones looked. But by the time he came around and we were living with family anyway, who really cared? I just wanted peace and quiet!
We bought the Fisher Price light and sound one and it was a lifesaver!!! It played classical music, did light shows on the ceiling and walls, and lit up from underneath also. It put him to sleep and also entertained him greatly if he woke up or I just needed some time to get something done. $40 well spent!
Do you have a good mobile?
i don't, but i might be getting one soon thanks to you...
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