this parent thing is really hard work. really. it's so hard to hear MD cry and not know what he wants. his diaper is clean. he's fed. he's not screaming like he does when his tummy hurts. he just cries. he falls asleep until it's time to lay down and then he's wide eyed and awake. if you leave him lying there to fall asleep...he cries some more.
it's hard not to get frustrated. it's hard when i do get frustrated and then immediately feel terrible. i know babies feel tension so i try and stay relaxed. i've been praying a lot.
michael does his best to help out and calm the baby. he takes over when he can tell i'm no longer helping the situation. but still...
i just want to make sure i am nurturing and growing a happy, healthy baby. sometimes i wonder if i am. mom says that all babies cry and that things will look up eventually. it's still hard.
in the middle of the day, things seem so sweet and wonderful and i feel like a pretty good mom with a pretty good baby. then it seems about the time for michael to get home, michael david gets fussy and i just want his daddy to be able to see him sweet and happy.
i know it will get better and even now, it's totally worth it. i love him more than i ever thought i could love anything. i love being his mama, just for's hard work.
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
Don't feel bad about getting frustrated. I was always amazed that they had to run that "never shake a baby" campaign, but then I had a baby and I understood! There are times (many of them) when you've done every stinkin' thing you know to do and that little guy just keeps screaming. SOOOOO hard!
It probably won't take you much longer to start to figure out things he likes and that will give you a break. A bouncy seat in front of a Baby Einstein movie? The car seat on top of the dryer? Driving around? Swaddled with a pacifier? The baby swing in a sunny window?
I'm sure your also thinking about the possibility of food you eat causing him discomfort. I was never good at this one.
He's still so little and getting the hang of stuff too. You'll figure it out together. In the meantime, take lots of naps together! =) You can only do that with your first one so enjoy it!
thanks la. good advice for my girl.
i knew when I saw one comment it would be you!
encouraging words...
It is hard, girl. And my babys were always fussy more in the evenings. I called it the witching hour. And you're also exhausted by then, so it makes things more difficult. Keep it up and rely on the Lord for your strength. Only HE can give all you need during this time. Praying for you.
thank you. your words definitely help. love to you.
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