Wednesday, August 5, 2009

plan for the day

and yes...i'm just coming up with this plan at 3:40 pm.

  • clean kitchen
  • sweep and mop all tile floors
  • clean our closet
  • start, finish and put away all laundry
  • paint the brown stripes and finish off nursery (when michael gets home, of course)
  • vacuum
if a baby happens to come because of too much work...bring it on...

update: kitchen clean, floors swept and mopped, vacuuming all done. haven't started the laundry or nursery. 9:11pm


JAC said...

I've the past....that you always have lots of energy about the time for delivery. Don't know if it's true or not, but you sure seem to be FULL of it!!!

Michelle said...

Someone I know is nesting...I can just hear your mom calling any day now saying you had him. Yeah!!