the day after michael david was born, jenny drove to san antonio to see us. i had been feeling pretty good all day, until about 30 minutes before she arrived. a wave of pain came over me and i couldn't even focus on life. i had already requested pain medication and the nurse came in about ten minutes later with a shot. i was pretty quickly knocked out. it was the weirdest feeling in the world. michael or jenny would say something that i would respond to. immediately i couldn't remember if they actually said what i thought they'd said. i also couldn't remember if i'd answered a question they'd asked out loud or only in my head. i vaguely remember brief glimpses of jenny holding the baby in the incredibly dark hospital room, swaying back and forth. she headed back to san angelo 2 hours after she got there. she didn't get a single picture. i felt so terrible.
however, this weekend, jenny came in again for a second chance visit and it was much better. this visit had actually been planned for about a month. she knew she probably wouldn't be able to come and i'd have tons of family here so she pre-scheduled a visit with baby boy. i'm so glad she came!
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
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