Tuesday, September 4, 2007

important shmortant

there just isn't anything important for me to say. i don't know what to say. i'm busy with school and things are going well there.

michael and i are supposed to get our own place this week.

my closet at school is now half organized, it's been driving me crazy. i left there at 6 tonight. i haven't left the school before 530 since this year started. that really stinks. but i know after i get everything situated and we're in full gear, it will get better.

for now, i'm just starvin' and i miss my friends.

crys-where are you? i haven't seen, talked or blogged with you in forever. i hope all is going well and i hope those triplets aren't bothering you too much. hehe! ;) i miss you and i love you dearly. write me soon, friend.

ps-guess what...


kdp said...

we miss you too. and WHAT?????????????????? do you have something to tell us????????????????????????????????????????????????

La said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy! I'm so excited for you guys! =)

beautiful chaos said...

I heard about your great news!! :)

Anonymous said...

Well...just so you know...I am very upset that I have not heard this GREAT NEWS straight from the hoarses mouth herself...and that I had to learn about your pregnancy from a BLOG!!!!! I know where my place is in your life...not on the top of the ladder... no, no way down in the dirt where the ladder meets the ground....

that's where I am!!!!

Hurt...very hurt! :)

beautiful chaos said...

la - you are officially the meanest person in the world and I am the second meanest...

gulp235 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
marme said...

If this were true, there would be some poohie to be paying! I can tell you that!


ree said...

I'm so CONFUSED!!!!!!!

Sarah P. Henry said...

just fyi, if i find out you are pregnant (which i know you are not... right?!?!) on your blog, i will literally kill you.

just wanted you to know.

but it's funny how that is EXACTLY what i imagined when you said, "guess what?" we all think alike..

that is a mean thing to put, sister.

crys said...

you people are hilarious! i finally got this stupid thing to let me post a comment at school!

kj, i'm so sorry to leave you hanging! i so would've posted if i had been able to!

stupid surf control from saisd!

p.s. you're my friend!

gulp235 said...

so i feel dumb now... i didn't think you could hold something in like that... but how would i know. =P