so yesterday we spent the day at lake lbj. my mom's best friend, from the time she was born, just celebrated her 30th wedding anniversary. we went to the lake to celebrate them and to hang out with their family. we had so much fun.
while we were there, my mom and i talked matt and mandy into driving back home with us last night and not going to plano until today. we stopped in llano to eat at dairy queen. it was great! while we were there my mom got a text from my dad that he was showing our house at 8:30. it was 7:15, we were two hours away, and my bed wasn't made. i knew that my bed wasn't made because i left the house before michael was even awake. i was certain he didn't make the bed. what's makes it worse is that he was playing in golf tournament and i couldn't get a hold of him. dad was driving in from odessa and was going to arrive at the house at the 8:30 right along with the people. mom was with me...
so what did i do? i called my friend. i embarrassed myself and called my friend and asked her to go to my house and make my bed. that was one of the most ridiculous things i've ever done. i know she didn't care and i know i wouldn't have thought a thing about it if she had asked me to do the same thing for her. i would have just been happy to help, as i'm sure she was. but still, it's embarrassing to have to call someone and ask them to make your bed and make sure everything is picked up in your house.
well, she did all of that and i think was just finishing up when michael got home. he helped complete the getting ready of the house. just in time for dad to show the house.
so, to my dear friend, jenny, thank you so much for being someone i can call in the blink of an eye for something so weird. i'm just glad you're so addicted to hobby lobby, otherwise you wouldn't have been on my side of town. i love you! just give me a call if you ever need me to do anything weird! ;)
there is just nothing on this earth that compares to a good friend.
Your time is almost up.
1 month ago
Uhmmm....does no_iffer offer this service to others? What phone number can she be reached at any time of day??? =)
Oh, please! Like it was even a big deal. I would rather "clean" your already clean house anyday than mine. It was pretty funny to be in the middle of making your bed when Michael came home.
I hear the door open.
"Hello?" (me)
"Hello?" (Michael)
"Um, your wife told me to come over and clean..."
Anytime friend! Upon further consideration, I wish that I had just destroyed the house so one less potential buyer would be interested. Darn it. What a great opportunity i missed!
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